Wheat Ridge, CO

Wheat Ridge Custody Lawyers

Making the decision to divorce isn’t an easy one. There are many steps involved that can be difficult to follow while grappling with the emotional implications of your split. If you and your spouse share children together, these steps and emotions can multiply significantly. If you need to create a custody arrangement, call New Leaf Family today for a free initial case evaluation and discover how our Wheat Ridge custody lawyers can guide you through the journey ahead.

How The Process Works

The legal system generally believes that what’s in the best interests of children is for them to have both parents involved in their lives as much as possible; however there are extenuating circumstances that can make that challenging, like if one parent has a history of domestic violence, substance abuse, or neglect.

In Colorado, there are two types of custody: physical custody, or parenting time, and legal custody, or decision-making. Parenting time refers to who the children live with the majority of the time and how frequently they see the other parent, while decision-making refers to how parents share authority and responsibility of making choices about important aspects of their children’s lives, like their education, healthcare, religious upbringing, etc.

Because splitting everything 50/50 isn’t going to work for every family, parents can create what’s called a parenting plan in which they determine which parent is responsible for what. If parents can work collaboratively on this, they can submit the plan to the court, and it will likely be approved. If parents cannot agree on a parenting plan, a judge will have the final say so. This isn’t ideal, as a judge doesn't know your kids like you do.

What Sets Our Wheat Ridge Custody Lawyers Apart

We understand that trying to establish a parenting plan in the midst of dividing up assets, debts, property, and more can be extremely overwhelming. You may be concerned about making the right decisions for you and your children’s future. That’s why the first step we will take with you is engaging in a process that helps us help you clarify your goals. Then we’ll craft a legal strategy that will help you reach those goals.

Unlike other attorneys, we aren’t looking to give you a “one-size-fits-all” formula for custody matters and send you on your way. We take each step of the process with careful consideration of your thoughts, feelings, and desires. While we prefer to keep the peace by finding amicable solutions because that is what’s best for your children, we know that isn’t possible for every couple. Whether your other parent is uncooperative, using your children as ammunition, or has a history that would deem collaboration on a parenting plan inappropriate, we are willing and able to fight for your rights in court if necessary.

Why Choose New Leaf Family

At New Leaf Family, we are more than just lawyers. We are trained coaches and counselors, and have experience in a variety of other professions. We have access to a large network of auto mechanics, financial advisors, realtors, and other professionals who can help you transition to your “new normal.”

We aren’t just here for you now, but down the road as well. Our Wheat Ridge custody lawyers can help you make modifications to your custody arrangement if you, your co-parent, or your children have a shift of circumstances that necessitate a change in terms.

It takes time to create a custody arrangement, so it’s important to consult with one of our Wheat Ridge custody lawyers as soon as you’ve made the decision to divorce, or even if you’re just beginning to consider your options. Call now for a free initial case evaluation.

Our Recent Custody Blogs

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