You are not alone. We represent many people going through changes in their relationships. While your situation is unique, our extensive experience with families allows us to understand, and to help you fully understand, where you are … and where you want to be. Then we work with you to get you there, without allowing you to become broken through the process. We know that you may be feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and/or frightened. We help you to see this as a beginning - a starting line for a whole new chapter of your life. The turning over of your New Leaf.
Although trained as lawyers, paralegals, coaches, counselors, and in other professions, we believe that the best outcomes are based on decisions made by you, rather than by a judge, court, or other third party. We work to put your decisions into place for yourself and your family. Then, together, we will guide you every step of the way until you arrive at where you desire to be. We help you focus on the outcome you want rather than just the current situation.
Contact us today to schedule a case evaluation with us!
Our clients come to us in many different ways. Some are in shock, some are angry, some want to get things done – now! - and some aren't sure whether or what they want to change. Others come to us with more clarity. Regardless of which one you are … we meet you where you are.