Golden Divorce

Golden Divorce Lawyers

If you’re contemplating getting divorced, or are already in the beginning of proceedings, having the right attorneys on your side can make a difference in both the outcome you are able to achieve and the ease with which you are able to navigate the journey. The compassionate, knowledgeable Golden divorce lawyers at New Leaf Family are focused on helping you build your future. We can empower you to make strategic choices and grow through this major life change! Call today to speak with our legal team about your options and learn more about what we can do to serve you.

***This page was recently updated as of 2024 to reflect the most accurate information in accordance with Colorado laws.***

Our Golden Divorce Lawyers Understand What You Are Going Through.

Even if you and your spouse don’t have a flare for drama, divorce can still be hard. The end of your marriage is deeply personal, and may be highly emotional. You’re likely experiencing a myriad of feelings ranging from devastation, anger, confusion, loneliness, sadness, and fear. The divorce process may begin amicably, but conflict might arise over things like how property and custody should be divided, or how other aspects of the divorce should unfold.

We know that you may be feeling completely overwhelmed. You may not know what your options are or even what you want the outcome to be. That’s why at New Leaf Family, we start by clarifying what you want your life after divorce to look like. Once you are confident in your goals, everything we do for you will revolve around them!

We Take The Time To Help You Understand The Best Way Forward.

Most of the time, an amicable divorce - where spouses can work together to work out their issues and set the terms collaboratively - is going to be easiest and smoothest on everyone involved, and is going to give the spouses the most control over their lives (as opposed to putting final decisions in the hands of a judge who doesn’t know the family’s unique history). However, if fighting can’t be avoided, our Golden divorce lawyers aren’t afraid to aggressively protect your rights and interests if necessary!

We can answer all of your questions about the divorce process. We will also ask you questions so we can get to know your family dynamics, your fears, your financial circumstances, and more, and then offer you personalized representation based on your specific needs and situation. Our firm isn’t just here to “sell” you a divorce as if it were a product; we want to form a holistic relationship with you! From before any papers are even signed to years after your divorce has been finalized, our lawyers and coaches and counselors are on your team and always readily available to assist you. We also have access to a large network of other professionals such as auto mechanics, finance advisors, real estate agents, and others who you may need to consult in the future.

To cut down on your financial stress (because divorce can be expensive), we don’t charge upfront fees or bill by the hour. Our prices don’t change based on how much activity there is in your case! We will tell you at the beginning how much our legal services will cost you every month so that you can plan ahead. While we’re not a “cheap” firm, because we strive to provide the highest quality representation, we are affordable and reasonable for most people.

What You WON’T Get With New Leaf Family

  • Judgment

Many people struggle with the notion that divorce is taboo, or means that you failed, which can make it difficult to seek assistance with the legal process. At New Leaf Family, you can rest assured that we are empathetic to what you’re going through. This life transition is significant. All that you will get from us is support, understanding, and unwavering dedication to helping you reach your ideal outcome.

  • Generic Solutions

Every divorce is unique, and there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution. We start from scratch with every client, focusing on their individual circumstances and goals.  

  • Short-Term Solutions

We are not a “one-and-done” type of law firm. Even after the dust from your divorce is settled, we’ll be here should you need us for alimony modifications, child custody, or something else.

New Leaf Family Is Here For You At Every Stage Of The Process.

Change isn’t always in your control, but what you can control is how you grow from it! Our focus is your empowerment. We have created a vision and offerings at our firm that not only allow you to deal with your divorce in a non-damaging way, but that actually promote growth because of the difficulties you are facing. We help you to see this as a beginning, as a starting line for a whole new chapter of your life, as the turning over of your New Leaf!

Divorce can take months or even years. Even if you are not sure if you want to move forward yet, it’s a good idea to call us today to schedule a free initial case evaluation! It costs you nothing to call our Golden divorce lawyers to get more information and discover if we are the right fit.

Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce In Colorado

Can I DIY My Divorce?

While technically you can pursue a “Do-It-Yourself” divorce, it is not recommended. The templates and format of a DIY divorce are usually lacking several key components that make a divorce not only efficient, but legally compliant. Working with a divorce lawyer is the best way to ensure that your divorce process is handled correctly.

What Documents Do I Need To File To Get Divorce Started In Colorado?

To start the divorce process in Colorado, you need to file a petition for Divorce or Legal Separation. You will also need to fill out a case information sheet.

How Do I Serve Divorce Papers To My Spouse In Colorado?

After you prepare your divorce forms, you’ll need to notify your spouse. This can be done personally, through a private process server, or by mail.

Can I Get A Divorce If My Spouse Doesn't Agree?

Fortunately, yes you can. It only takes one spouse to get a divorce in Colorado. If your spouse refuses to sign divorce papers, it will not hold up or affect the process.

Do I Need To Attend Mediation For My Divorce In Colorado?

Colorado judges typically refer couples to mediation unless one spouse is unwilling to cooperate due to a history of domestic abuse, or if a formal request is made within five days of the court order, asking to be exempted because of other "compelling reasons" why they shouldn't have to mediate their disputes, like if mediation was already attempted but ineffective.