6 Qualities To Look For In A Custody Attorney

The purpose of this blog is to shed light on 6 qualities you should look for in your custody attorney. By understanding and prioritizing these qualities, you can ensure that you have the right representation in your corner to help guide you and your family through this major life transition. 

  1. Experience

The most important quality for your custody attorney to possess is experience. Working with someone who understands Colorado’s custody laws, is familiar with the pitfalls and curveballs that can come with custody matters, and has a wealth of practical experience handling cases that are of similar nature to your own can make the difference between a favorable result for your family and unwanted chaos.

Be honest with yourself; if you were about to undergo some sort of procedure, would you pick the doctor who has decades of experience under their belt, or the one who’d be performing their first procedure on you? You’re going to pick the one with more experience, and trusting legal representation shouldn’t be any different. Lawyers themselves would agree. In fact, only 23% percent of active lawyers believe that new lawyers have sufficient enough skills to practice law. 

You should seek out an attorney who has helped numerous families through the custody process, and whose experience can aid in simplifying the intricacies of custody with ease. That being said, experience isn’t the only quality that you should look for…

  1. Communication Skills 

In addition to experience, you need to work with a custody attorney who has strong communication skills. There are several different aspects of your custody case in which the need for good communication is imperative, especially when it comes to your children’s future. A seasoned custody attorney who makes sure that you stay well-informed throughout the entirety of your case, updating you if circumstances shift and swifty addressing questions or concerns when they arise is what your family deserves. Your attorney should also be able to explain complex legal jargon that might leave you unsure or confused about your custody situation. Beyond their communication with you, your attorney also needs to be able to effectively communicate with the court, a judge, and even your co-parent’s attorney. 

  1. Client Reviews & Testimonials

In addition to experience and communication, you should also look for a custody attorney with real client reviews and testimonials - don’t just take their word for it! Connect with friends and family who you know have worked with a family law attorney in the past to gain valuable insights into whether or not they could be a good fit for you. If personal connections aren’t an option, you can check Google Reviews, Yelp, or even an attorney’s website to see if there are testimonials that can vouch for the overall experience that they provide. 

  1. Compassion

Another quality you want your custody attorney to possess is compassion. You don’t want to work with a callous lawyer who doesn’t sympathize with the sensitivity of what you’re going through. Dividing your assets, property, debts, and creating a custody arrangement is a big deal. Your attorney should recognize that and do what they can to help lessen the impact of custody matters on both you and your children’s lives. Compassion can build trust between you and your attorney, and strengthen your relationship. You can get a sense of an attorney’s bedside manner in your first conversation with them! 

  1. Ability To Create A Sound Legal Strategy

Perhaps the most important quality in a custody attorney is the ability to create a sound legal strategy that will help you reach your ideal resolution. It’s important to note that when it comes to custody, there is not a “one-size-fits-all” solution, and if your attorney is offering you one that they claim to use for all of their clients, you might want to look for new representation. 

While it’s also nice to have friends or family to lean on who have been through divorce and custody, what worked for their families might not work for yours. It’s crucial to enlist the help of a lawyer who is dedicated to helping you create a strategy that is tailored to your unique situation, not their last client, or the one before that. Before making a final decision on who’ll represent you, don’t be afraid to ask the attorneys that you’re considering how they typically approach cases like yours!


  1. Accessibility

Work with an attorney who is available for questions and who responds to your emails and calls. Because custody matters are a drop in the bucket when it comes to the overall divorce process, it is likely that some circumstances may shift, necessitating a change in your parenting plan. Having an attorney who is readily available to help you adjust accordingly is necessary. Your attorneys shouldn’t take days or weeks to return your calls! Discuss your expectations with your potential candidates to discover if their availability is going to align with your needs. 

How New Leaf Family Can Help You

At New Leaf Family, we understand how personal matters relating to your children are. Like you, we want what is best for your kids, which is why we work diligently to find a solution that meets you where you are and helps you grow into who you want to be. We will begin the process by helping you determine what it is you truly want for your children. Then we will ensure that you’re aware of all of your legal options, and what each choice could possibly lead to for your family. While we always seek a peaceful resolution first, we are willing and able to fight for your parental rights when necessary. Call New Leaf Family today to schedule a free consultation and discover how we can help you.